Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"The Joneses'" seeking Extras - Featuring Demi Moore

Compe​nsati​on:​ $​95/​flat
Filmi​ng will mostl​y take place​ in Alpha​retta​ and will film durin​g the weekd​ays.​

The story​,​ a socia​l comme​ntary​,​ cente​rs on a pictu​re-​perfe​ct famil​y that moves​ into a subur​ban neigh​borho​od and immed​iatel​y becom​es the toast​ of the town,​ loved​ and envie​d by all. But the reali​ty is they are a commi​ssion​ed fake famil​y put toget​her by a marke​ting compa​ny as a way to intro​duce new luxur​y-​level​ produ​cts to neigh​borho​ods aroun​d the world​.​

If you are inter​ested​,​ pleas​e email​ your heads​hot/​recen​t pictu​re,​ name,​ age, heigh​t,​ weigh​t,​ and phone​ numbe​r to: jones​extra​s@​gmail​.​com

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

NBC's Momma's Boy- Oct 7th-Oct 13th

CASTING:Executive Producer Ryan Secrest and the Producer's of Average Joe bring you...NBC's “Momma’s Boys” Season 2

Are you a MOM of a single eligible son who is looking for love and want to help him find the right girl?
Are you a guy who would consider himself a momma’s boy?
Are you a single girl who would like to date a Momma's Boy?

If so, then go to to apply!!

Atlanta, GA!Casting calls:

October 7th - October 13th
Send two photos of yourself, a short bio, and complete contact information to! All submissions must include the City and State in the subject line. Send your info ASAP!

Meet the Casting Producers!
Wednesday 10/8: Curves (Buckhead) 2140 Peachtree Rd NW # 232, Atlanta, GA 303099:30am to 11:30am
Thursday 10/9: Tongue and Groove (Upscale dress code) 3055 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta, GA 3030510pm-12am
Friday 10/10: Club opera (Upscale dress code) 1150 B. Peachtree St. Atlanta, GA 303099-12am

Bridezillas: back for another season 2008

Yep. Thats right. Bridezilla is back for another season. It is the #1 rated wedding show. Do you think you're a Bridezilla? Do you have alot of drama thats about to go down in your wedding? Getting married Oct 08-April 09?

For General Casting Information or Questions:September Films USABRIDEZILLAS CASTING7000 Romaine Ave. Suite # 206West Hollywood, CA 90038Office (310) 717-8666Fax (323) 845-9771

Monday, February 11, 2008

Tyler Perry Studios looking for Extras and Stand-Ins

Upcoming feature film in Atlanta starring Kathy Bates and Alfre Woodard seeks Stand-Ins and Extras.

The following talent is requested for Stand-Ins:
--Caucasian Females Ages 25+ Height 5'2"-5'5"
--Caucasian Females Ages 21+ Height 5'5"-5'8"
--Caucasian Males Ages 22+ Height 5'11"-6'3"
--African American Males Ages 22+ Height 5'10"-6'0

The following talent is requested for Extras:
--Caucasian Males and females 21 and Older
--African American males 21 and Older

Requirements: --Stand-In's must have an open and flexible schedule from 3/2/08-4/11/08 --Must be available for a 12-14 hour day if booked

Please submit an updated headshot/photo and resume to Please include your contact information, phone number, your height, weight, and age range.
**PREYS EXTRAS AND STAND-INS must be in the subject line to be considered.**

Compensation: Stand-Ins $90-$110/day along with catered meals Extras $75/day along with catered meals

Note: They actually look at EACH submission therefore you should only submit your information once unless you want them to have an updated headshot/resume. Be patient- they will call you when they have a place for you. Be prepared for a day of fun!

The Biggest Loser- Wild Bill's Feb 16th in Duluth, GA

BL4 Productions, Inc. is searching the country for outgoing and charismatic teams of 3 who want to compete together on NBC's The Biggest Loser 6!

Looking for the following, but not limited to: twins, family members, mother/daughter or son, father/daughter or son, dating couples, engaged couples, best friends, firemen, policemen, lawyers and other team combinations.

Open Call: Wild Bills 2075 Market St. Duluth, GA 30096 Saturday, February 16th 10am - 6pm

Please email your name, email, phone number, recent picture, short bio and your weight loss goals to YOUNG.CASTING@GMAIL.COM

Style Network's Whose Wedding Is it Anyway? Casting

Network is currently casting for the seventh season of Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? and they're looking for couples with or without a planner, who want to share their wedding-preparation adventures with the hit prime-time wedding series! All participants must be 18 years of age or older and have a wedding date set from February 14-March 29, 2008 and must live in the continental United States. Please send your info and wedding story to

I love this show. I've seen them do a couple of these shows in Atlanta. I just wish I was getting married by March 29 :-( . Maybe next go around.

The CW Casting a new show for all you Fashionistas!

Casting Call!
Can you identify the best designs from the top designers with a glance? Are Manolo, Prada and Gucci a few of your favorite words? Is one of the best things in your life your wardrobe and footwear? Do you spend hours lost in a copy of Elle Magazine, daydreaming about a career in fashion?
If so, the CW Network and the creators of "America's Next Top Model" and "Project Runway" are about to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime!
No experience necessary. But style, intelligence and a great work ethic are a must.
We are now casting an untitled reality competition that will take viewers (and cast members) behind the fashion world's velvet rope for a chance to work side-by-side with a who's-who of high fashion and a chance at a career-launching grand prize.
Contact us at for further info. Please submit a photo, a brief description of yourself and full contact details.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My First Place on HGTV

MY FIRST PLACE, the hit series on HGTV, is coming back for a third season and we're looking for first-time homebuyers in the Atlanta area.
We are looking for fun, high-energy people who are just starting the home-buying process for their first place! Our goal is to be there for every step along the way and document all the stress and success of looking for, bidding on and buying your first place. Taping takes place between November 2007 and February 2008. Ideal candidates will be interesting, energetic people with a great story to tell who don't mind being on camera. Singles, couples and families are all invited to apply! Candidates who are chosen for the show will also receive a unique SURPRISE housewarming gift that HGTV has picked just for you upon moving in to their first place! For more information and to request an application, email: OR call Clif Briley at 303.712.3194

Info: They have been casting for awhile for this and they seem to really be looking for people so chances may be good. Make sure your e-mail is good and you have a great story about looking for your first home.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Beauty and the Geek- Casting Call Nov 10

If you are a fan of Ashton Kutcher's hit show- here is your chance to audition.

Casting Call!
If you think you have what it takes to qualify as a Beauty or a Geek and compete for the chance to win $250,000, then now is your chance! The casting call in Atlanta will be:

NOVEMBER 10 12-6 pm Hard Rock Café 215 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA

Tip: Please go to the for the application. Always go to the official websites before you go to an open call. Most likely they expect you to have a complete application..otherwise you have to sit outside for an hour filling out a very thick application before you can audition.

Bridezillas Casting All over

Are you planning a wedding in the next six months? (NOV 07’ – APR 08’)
Are your wedding preparations getting out of control?
Are you swamped with a massive to do list for your big day?
Are you doing everything in your power to make sure your wedding day is perfect?
Do you think you have what it takes to be on America’s top rated wedding show?
$$ All participants will be compensated generously! $$

If you are intersted, you can call their casting office at: (213) 417-4437 Or e-mail: Please include a photo of you and your fiancé’ along with your contact info.

Tips: Make your e-mail brief but very interesting. You want to talk about what makes you and your fiance so interesting. Also, as we know, for this show it's the more drama the better. Talk about any drama that might arise during the preparation for your wedding, exam. Wife and mother-in-law not getting along, overbearing parents, etc... This is your first impression. Make it good!